Flowing Towards Wellness: The Amazing Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Therapy With Jenna Bradshaw
In this episode of LTG, we explore the incredible benefits of lymphatic drainage therapy. Our expert guest Jenna Bradshaw is a massage therapist and yoga teacher with over 15 years of experience in the health and wellness field. She has been specializing in lymphatic drainage therapy for over a decade, and has over 800 hours of yoga education. She is the founder of Lymph Light Wellness Center in Tustin, CA where she offers, in addition to hands-on treatment, lymphatic education and consultations for all: clients, health practitioners, yoga teachers, and the like. She has a near-obsession with this elusive and undervalued system and loves educating anyone she meets on the importance of the lymphatic system - and the power of our breath and daily habits to influence it.
We dive into the world of the lymphatic system and discover how specialized techniques such as manual lymphatic drainage and compression therapy can unlock the body's natural healing potential. From enhancing immune function to reducing inflammation and supporting overall wellness, we'll uncover the numerous advantages of incorporating lymphatic therapy into your health routine. Jenna was such a wealth of knowledge and I learned so much in this episode.
Make sure to check her out on Instagram and her website: Lymph Light If you are in Orange County CA you can check out them out and try a service. I have been a client since 2021 and what a difference I have seen in my health! I hope you enjoy this episode!
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