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102: How to Forgive When It Feels Impossible with Dara McKinley

102: How to Forgive When It Feels Impossible with Dara McKinley

In 2012, with two decades of psychology and spirituality behind her, Dara McKinley faced a difficult situation that none of her previous knowledge could improve. Feeling called to try forgiveness, she searched online for a forgiveness ‘how-to’ and quickly discovered that there was so much about why one should forgive, but nothing about how.

Needing directions to follow, she decided to make her own forgiveness step-by-step, which upon completion, left her feeling peaceful for the first time in three years. Impressed by forgiveness’ effectiveness she quickly became a devotee.

Over the coming years, her experience with forgiveness would deepen  and so would her awareness of popular forgiveness understanding. Specifically she saw that most people had something they wanted to forgive but they didn’t know how. She also saw that mainstream forgiveness definitions were actually obscuring the forgiveness path. Seeing the need for a logical and straightforward forgiveness paradigm, Dara created How to Forgive.

You can find Dara at:

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