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Treating Acne On Your Body!

Treating Acne On Your Body!

Treating the acne on your body is similar to treating the face! Trying to find out what is causing the breakouts so that we may avoid it and also how to treat the acne is what todays post is all about! 

We break out on the body for different reasons. From clogged pores to hormones and excess oil production, our body can become congested and develop acne.

In summer, I see an increase of this problem in my clients. Hotter weather causes sweating, and sweat that is not washed off right away can clog pores.  Certain sun protection lotions on the body can also lead to breakouts. I know some of my clients who workout and then don't get to a shower right away can deal with clogged pores as well. 


  1. Shower right after exercise-don't let the sweat stay on your skin for long periods of time
  2. Use REPAIR toner if you can't rinse off right away- This goes for sweat from the gym or after being at the beach or the pool. 
  3. Protect your back from Hair products! If you have long hair and are using hair care like hairspray, gels etc they can lead to breakouts if the wet hair is sitting on your back. Use a robe or towel until the hair is dry or not dripping on your back.
  4. Make sure to wipe down gym equipment before use-Or use a towel (I know its a no-brainer but I have seen this at the gym) We don't need to lay down in other peoples sweat. Ew.


3 Products to help treat body acne! 


Acne on the body
  1. BOOST vitamin c complex-Loaded with anti-inflammatory ingredients, this helps soothe acne breakouts while treating it at the same time
  2. REPAIR tonerHelps neutralize bacteria, use as a preventative product after the gym, beach and pool
  3. RENEW watermelon mask- A clay mask designed to pull out impurities and heal acne breakouts, can be used as a spot treatment.

Let me know below, have you ever broken out on your body, chest or arms? What helped you? 


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