Be Patient, Do the Work, Keep Going
This new year I have fitness and health goals. However, the beginning of the year did not deliver the amazing results I thought it would have. I have had a few challenges. The scale did not reflect the numbers I wanted to see. I had these moments of feeling like I should just give up. I mean what's the point!? But I decided I am not in a rush to hit my goals, I have time and I am OK just the way I am now. I had to give myself a pep talk and all of a sudden this voice inside told me to be patient, to keep doing the work and to not give up. I wrote down these three phrases and posted them on my bathroom mirror.
It totally reminded me of some our journeys with our skin. So many of us want overnight results and change when we have been neglecting our skin for many years. Maybe we have always have had great skin and then one day all those tanning sessions and getting a little older is starting to catch up. You look in the mirror one day and think, that wasn't there before! So I wanted to address this here today.
Be Patient-
The great thing with amazing skin care is that we are able to see improvements right away most times. More hydration, more of a glow. But sometimes our skin needs a little time. Our skin cells turn over every 28 days, longer as we age, so this is a great time frame to keep in mind. As the cells turnover we can see more of the result our products are delivering to us.
Do the work-
Consistency is so key for gorgeous skin! Making sure we are continually applying those anti-aging serums nightly not just once a week. Making your nightly routine a habit and a ritual will pay off in the long run. (I love the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. He has some amazing and practical tips for creating positive habits around all things).
Keep Going-
I feel like its so easy to give up, not just with skin care but with anything that is hard. It is easy to think "I don't see results, I am just going to quit". I saw this with my online fitness group, some of the people were saying 'its already been two weeks and I can't do a pull up!'.
I have felt this emotion many times, its hard to wait for results when we want our results NOW. I love the analogy I have heard about a flat tire. We don't go around slashing the other three tires when we get one. Just fix the tire and keep going. If you forget to wash your face and sleep in your make-up, no big deal just make sure and wash it the next night.
If you want to see faster results with your skin, make sure you are doing the extras like exfoliating and masking. Of course I am a huge fan of getting professional treatments, what a wonderful difference it makes. Even getting a treatment once a quarter is better than not getting them at all.
Hope this helps if you are feeling frustrated with your new year's goals or if something is not working with your skin right away. As always let me know if you have any questions!
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